8 Opportunities for Artists to catch this month :P

November 21, 2023
Jennifer Mehigan
Jennifer Mehigan


from www.bbagallery.com
from www.bbagallery.com

DEADLINE: 11.12.2023

REWARDS: Exhibition, Cash Prize;

  1. Prize: 1000 € Cash, Artsy Profile, Solo Exhibition @BBA Gallery in 2025, Social Media Promotion
  2. Prize: 700 € Cash, Artsy Profile, Social Media Promotion
  3. Prize: 500 €, Artsy Profile, Social Media Promotion
  4. Prize: Audience Award; 500€, Artsy Profile

Reward description:

The 2024 BBA Artist Prize has officially launched! Enter now to be part of an international competition for artists, open to all themes, mediums, and experience levels. Now in its 8th year, this is the perfect opportunity to take your art career further.

With an international jury of experts from across the art industry evaluating, 50 artists will be selected for the longlist. 20-25 will then be chosen for the shortlist and will be part of a group exhibition at the iconic Kühlhaus Berlin. Prizes include cash rewards, solo shows, and exposure for your art!

Plus, every single day BBA features an Artist of the Day on social media. Artist of the Week will get further social media features, newsletter features, and more. Don’t wait, get more eyes on your art today and enter now.


Enter now and upload anytime before the general deadline on 19.02.2024


REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Application Forms, Artist Statement, CV, Artwork / Portfolio;

2 - SCHAUFLER LAB@TU DRESDEN 2024 - 6 months residency in Dresden

Technische Universität Dresden Logo
Technische Universität Dresden Logo

DEADLINE: 1.12.2023

Socio-technical and Cultural Syntheses of New Realities. Guiding theme: Data‹ ›Worlds

By this term, we understand socio-technical and cultural mediations of reality based on data, which significantly shape social life. Data‹ ›Worlds aims to research society and culture as a synthetic reality. This includes the historical view of past situations of radical change and the analysis of contemporary societies after the so-called digitalization, which has led to new realities that significantly depend on the availability of data. Data themselves exert an influence on the world they describe, bringing about their own dynamics and problems. Therefore, an adequate understanding of the interaction between data and our reality is urgently needed, especially about currently pressing social challenges and questions revolving around nature and the environment, the economy, law and politics, as well as art, culture, and education.

The Lab's residency programme offers committed and internationally active artists or artist groups the unique opportunity to conduct artistic research on "Data<-> Worlds". It addresses artists or artist groups from the fields of media art, conceptual art, performance, etc. During the residency, the artist or artist groups are part of TUD's scientific community of researchers and students and may draw on resources for artistic and creative productions, both of TUD and of our cooperation partners.


REWARDS: Exhibition, Funding, Production, Publication;

The Schaufler Residency@TU Dresden includes:

  • A studio at TU Dresden
  • Assistance finding accommodation
  • A stipend of € 3,000.00 (net) a month for 6 months
  • Production support of up to € 10,000
  • Solo exhibition at the Gallery of the Office for Academic Heritage of TUD at the conclusion of the residency with a catalogue by a respected fine arts publishing house (Sandstein Verlag Dresden)
  • Access to a competitive array of institutes and workshops for artistic research

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Application Forms, Artwork / Portfolio, Artist Statement, CV, Recommendation Letter; Project Description; Production Schedule / Timetable


from Haze Gallery Instagram profile
from Haze Gallery Instagram profile

DEADLINE: 23.11.2023

HAZE.GALLERY is thrilled to announce an open call for artists to participate in an in-person group POP UP exhibition in BERLIN with the theme "Body." This compelling exhibition will provide a platform for artists to explore the diverse facets of the human body and its significance in art.

Artists from all backgrounds and mediums are invited to submit their work for consideration in this exceptional exhibition, which promises to be a celebration of the human form in all its beauty and complexity. Works are accepted in any genre, in any technique and media, graphics, watercolors, sketches, photos, collages, and canvas. We encourage artists to interpret the theme "Body" in creative and innovative ways, whether through traditional, contemporary, or experimental art forms.

All artists interested in participating are encouraged to submit their artwork by the deadline. A distinguished panel of jurors will carefully review all submissions and select a diverse range of pieces to be displayed in the exhibition. Selected artists will have the opportunity to showcase their work in a prominent gallery space, alongside fellow talented artists.


REWARD: Exhibition;

This exhibition offers a unique opportunity for artists to gain exposure, connect with the art community, and share their artistic perspectives on the theme of "Body." We believe that this event will be a meaningful and thought-provoking experience for both artists and art enthusiasts.

Our Support & Services for the artists:

  • Installation/Dismantling by the gallery
  • E-newsletter and Social Media promotion (21,000+ gallery & PURPLEHAZE magazine subscribers)
  • Gallery-designed e-invites for artist distribution
  • Press release and promotion via press partners
  • Details of the exhibition on our website
  • Pricing advice and sales support
  • Curatorial advice
  • Wall-mounted artist statement and artwork listing
  • Post about each participant in the social networks of the organizer; (optional)
  • Commission of the gallery for the sale of works 30% for 3D and in-person exhibitions.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Application Forms, Artist Statement, Artwork / Portfolio, CV, Letter of Intent;



from Chromart Art Gallery website
from Chromart Art Gallery website

DEADLINE: 30.11.2023

Virtual art is a virtual exhibition dedicated to promoting artistic and creative expression.

This project is defined by a need to express art accurately, appeal to several senses, move within the light, the shadows, and the colours, play with the intersections of reality and phantasy, and the boundaries of digital and analogue.

This exhibition, which features a collection of high digital artworks, represents fresh insights, perspectives, and ideas that change our reality. The Virtual Art Gallery seeks to provide selected works with significant worldwide exposure for artists to assist them in negotiating and confronting their works and their creations in a virtual environment.

We are now accepting submissions for our virtual art exhibition. Artists from all over the world are encouraged to submit their applications. Artists, regardless of their background, are welcome to send us their work.

REWARDS: Exhibition, Publication;


  • HD photos of 3-5 artefacts of yours
  • Artist Bio (3rd person, max 120 words)
  • Artwork (title, size, medium, year and price)
  • Project description
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Your application

We welcome submissions from artists from all disciplines. Send us an email with your work and briefly explain who you are, details about your work, and why we should be one of our following virtual artists.


  • Apply: Send by email (Subject: virtual art gallery vol. 5).
  • Submit (attach on the email) 3-5 images by email (jpeg format, up to 5MB each image). Please name each file with the title of each artwork (e.g., "Untitled. JPEG")
  • Contact Email: chromartgallery@gmail.com

SELECTION: The team will review all applications, and the selected work will be announced on our social media accounts.

There is no fee for submission, but there is a participation fee. The reason for that is because we need your support to continue our projects and in return, you will be part of the marketing campaign.



"Abstraction" Online Exhibition Cover
"Abstraction" Online Exhibition Cover

DEADLINE: 20.12.2023

"I imagined a labyrinth of labyrinths, a maze of mazes, a twisting, turning, ever-widening labyrinth that contained both past and future and somehow implied the stars. Absorbed in those illusory imaginings, I forgot that I was a pursued man; I felt myself, for an indefinite while, the abstract perceiver of the world.”

- Jorge Luis Borges, Ficciones

Are you inspired by abstract worlds? Are you creating them? Send them to us.

We hold exhibitions in a mockup rooms tailored for art display. From minimalist to maximalist, we'll find walls that will make your art stand out.

We are now accepting submissions for our "Abstraction" Online exhibition in Room Mockups. Any artist from any background can submit any of their work. We accept work in all types of techniques: painting, drawing, collage, digital art, photography, sculpture. There is no charge to submit your application, please feel free to share your work with us.

A processing fee 25 € is applied per artist once they have been selected for the exhibition. Our team will review all applications and the selected works will be announced.

EXHIBITION DATES: January 20 - February 20, 2024

"Abstraction" is the online exhibition in Room Mockups, so we do not need physical works of art.

Artists are also free to sell their works, we take 0% commission, and any sale inquiries will be directed back to the artists.



Please email all the following information to gallery&nibus@amail.com and quote "Abstraction" on the subject of your email:

  • Up to 5 Artwork images by email (peg format, up to 3MB each image). For the exhibition we will choose one or two entries.
  • Please name each file with the title of each artwork (e.g., "Untitled. JPEG")
  • [No political, pornography or hate artworks will be accepted]
  • Please send your application in English only!
  • Details of the artwork (title, size, medium and price). (e.g., "Untitled", 50 x 70 cm, Oil on Canvas, price.
  • A brief bio about the artist / artwork (100 words max, preferably written in the 3rd person)
  • Send us your website and social media (if applicable)

All works proposed for the exhibition will be considered by our curator - professional artist and member of the group of artists of Creative Center Omnibus. Works will be judged based on creativity, originality, quality of work, and overall artistic ability.


"Salon De Refusées" Cover
"Salon De Refusées" Cover

DEADLINE: 13.12.2023

In the vibrant heart of Berlin's art scene, a revolution is unfolding. It's not heralded with loud proclamations but whispered in the language of art and expression. krautART ARTspace invites you to be a part of this artistic uprising through its Salon de Refusées, an initiative that boldly challenges the norms and celebrates the voices of women and female-read artists.

Are you a woman or read as female? Has your art been turned away by juried art shows? Then this is your moment. We are looking for artists who have faced rejection and are ready to turn that into a powerful statement. Whether it's a canvas that speaks in colors, a sculpture that tells a story, or an installation that defies convention, your art has a home here.

WHAT WE SEEK: Our Open Call welcomes submissions from female and female-read artists whose works have faced rejection within the past 18 months. Our scope includes a wide range of artistic expressions, from traditional to modern mediums. We eagerly anticipate receiving 2D works, along with a limited selection of 3D works and installations due to spatial constraints. Artists specializing in VR/AR projects, as well as any other art forms requiring technical equipment, should note that they will need to provide their own technology and setup.


Female and female-identifying artists who have faced artwork rejection within the past 18 months are eligible to submit. International artists are welcome to submit their work, however, they must manage any shipping and customs processes. We welcome a wide range of artistic expressions, from traditional to modern mediums. This includes 2D works, 3D works, installations, and VR/AR projects.

REWARD: Exhibition;

The Salon de Refusées provides a unique platform for showcasing your rejected works, offering public exposure, networking opportunities, and the chance to be part of a movement celebrating artistic diversity and resilience. Additionally, there will be opportunities for your work to be sold during the exhibition, including an art auction performance and possibly an Audience Award at the Finissage.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Application Forms, Artwork / Portfolio, Artist Statement; Also required: Proof of Rejection (no older than 18 Months).


Artwork by Clémentine Bal
Artwork by Clémentine Bal

DEADLINE: 1.2.2024


Pictoplasma Berlin 2024 is a dynamic platform calling for animation submissions for its renowned "Characters In Motion" international screenings. This global showcase, centered around character-driven visuals and narratives, invites creators from every corner of the world to participate. The event spotlights high-grade characters brought to life through animation, narration, music visuals, experimental work, and motion graphics. As a premier destination for character design and art enthusiasts, Pictoplasma Berlin 2024 offers a unique opportunity for artists and creatives to share their innovative character-driven creations with a diverse and global audience.

All animated short films (experimental, narrative, non-narrative, commissioned, or student films) will be considered for the 20th Pictoplasma festival selection, scheduled to take place in Berlin in May 2024.

Open to high-grade characters in animation, narration, music visuals, experimental work, or motion graphics from any part of the world. The average length of animation entries considered for the official festival selection is between 01’30” and 15’00” minutes.

REWARDS: Exhibition

Winning submissions at Pictoplasma Berlin 2024 will enjoy the distinction of being prominently featured in the festival program, offering artists invaluable exposure to a global audience of art enthusiasts and industry professionals, as well as the opportunity for recognition and potential future collaborations within the world of contemporary character design and art.


REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Application Forms, Artist Statement, Artwork / Portfolio, CV, Project Description;


• Each submitted film/animation must be accompanied by the filled-out entry form linked on our site.

• Each submitted film/animation must be provided as a downloadable HD file via download link

• Entrants can use their preferred file sharing service and provide a download link (to the Email address: input@pictoplasma.com), or submit via https://pictoplasma.wetransfer.com


World Cinema Fund official logo
World Cinema Fund official logo

DEADLINE: 28.2.2024

The World Cinema Fund (hereafter "WCF') is an initiative of the German Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes) and the Berlin International Film Festival. The Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH/division Internationale Filmfestspiele Betlin (hereafter 'FB') is the legal entity of this initiative.

The World Cinema Fund aims to support films from regions/countries in which film production is threatened by political and/or economic instability. By receiving WCF support, these films can be produced with a German partner, which improves their chances of being seen by an international audience. The WCF also aims to nurture diversity in German cinemas.

Funding is granted to cooperation between German production companies and production companies in WCF eligible regions/countries. The director of the project must also come from a WCF eligible region/country.

Projects eligible for support should deal with the cultural identity of their regions and contribute to developing their local film industry.

The main selection criterion is the project's artistic quality. Preference is given to projects that tell strong stories, that are creatively and visually innovative, that have the potential to enjoy international success or be a driver for developing film culture in their home region. Consideration is also given to projects of particular cultural and political relevance.


REWARDS: Funding, Production;

Reward description:

  • Production and post-production funding for full-length fiction films and creative documentaries (both at least 70 minutes) for theatrical release.
  • The maximum amount of funding granted per project is € 60.000,- for production and € 40.000,- for post-production.
  • Funding is granted to films with a budget between € 200.000,- and € 1,4 million.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Application Forms, Artwork / Portfolio, Artist Statement, CV, Cost Estimation, Motivation Letter, Project Description, Production Schedule / Timetable;