Your Art Horoscope, July 23 - part two

July 5, 2023
Dusky Witch
Detail of "Holding My Own Hand", 2023 a painting by Antonia-Maria Platzer
Detail of "Holding My Own Hand", 2023 a painting by Antonia-Maria Platzer


July 2023 brings new opportunities for Libra. This is a favorable time for career advancements and professional growth. Embrace your creativity and take calculated risks. Seek harmony in your relationships and foster collaboration. Pay attention to your well-being by practicing self-care and maintaining a work-life balance. 

Discover the enchantment of Zog Chair - a mesmerizing work by Shadi El Asaad playing with a simple object-like chair but, guiding Libra to seek harmony in relationships and embrace the power of seeing things from different perspectives.

Shadi El Asaad – Zag Chair, VR sculpting, 2023
Shadi El Asaad – Zag Chair, VR sculpting, 2023


Scorpio, July 2023 is a month of self-discovery and transformation. Focus on your physical and psychological healing. Embrace introspection and explore your deepest desires and emotions. This period may bring profound insights and spiritual awakenings. Trust the process and allow yourself to evolve.

Unveil the mysteries within Metamorphosis - an evocative artwork by Araiké Da Silva depicting the transformative healing journey, inspiring Scorpio to embrace their own inner transformation and trust the process of change.

Araiké Treccani Da Silva - Metamorphosis, 2022, mixed techniques on canvas 180 x45 cm
Araiké Treccani Da Silva - Metamorphosis, 2022, mixed techniques on canvas 180 x45 cm


July 2023 encourages Sagittarius to broaden their horizons and seek new adventures. Embrace travel, learning, and exploring different cultures. This month favors expanding your knowledge and pursuing intellectual pursuits. Keep an open mind and embrace new perspectives. Adventure awaits!

Embark on a cosmic adventure with Holding my Own Hand- a captivating painting by Antonia-Maria Platzer depicting a cosmic gateway, encouraging Sagittarius to explore new horizons, embrace curiosity, and let their spirit of adventure soar.

Antonia Maria Platzer (Soft Shell Hardcore) - Holding my Own Hand, 2023
Antonia Maria Platzer (Soft Shell Hardcore) - Holding my Own Hand, 2023


Capricorn, July 2023 emphasizes stability and practicality. Focus on long-term goals and financial security. This period encourages you to be disciplined and organized in your endeavors. Nurture your personal relationships and find a balance between work and personal life. Patience and perseverance will lead to success.

I’m gonna be your number one - is a fearless painting by Dodo Marzipano channeling strength and stability, reminding Capricorns to focus on their long-term goals, build a strong foundation, and find a balance between their cosmic ambitions and personal life.

Dodo Marzipano, I’m gonna be your number one 60 x 80 cm - acrylic and colored pencil on canvas - 2023
Dodo Marzipano, I’m gonna be your number one 60 x 80 cm - acrylic and colored pencil on canvas - 2023


Get ready for a transformative month, Aquarius! July 2023 holds immense potential for personal growth and self-discovery. You're being called to embrace your individuality with your whole spectrum of emotions and let your authentic self shine brightly. This month, you'll find yourself seeking new experiences and pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone.

Step into the realm of Cille SCH work - a vibrant showcasing of interconnected constellations, inspiring Aquarius to embrace their individuality and celebrate the beauty of cosmic unity through diverse perspectives.

Cille SCH, Same but different II, 2023
Cille SCH, Same but different II, 2023


Dive into the depths, Pisces! July 2023 invites you to explore the realms of your soul. Embrace your intuitive powers and surrender to the flow. This month emphasizes self-reflection and spiritual connection. Trust your instincts and allow your imagination to guide you. Seek solace in the waters and let your dreams manifest their magic. Immerse yourself in the ethereal beauty of Marbled Waters - a mesmerizing painting by Silvestre Preciado depicting swirling waves and mystical creatures, inviting Pisces to dive into their imaginative depths and find solace in their intuitive connection with the cosmic waters.

Silvestre Preciado Marbled waters, 110x92, Gouache, extracted oil pigments and lacquer on canvas, 2023
Silvestre Preciado Marbled waters, 110x92, Gouache, extracted oil pigments and lacquer on canvas, 2023

You can find Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo in the previous Article!