October Art Horoscope: Channeling Your Cosmic Creativity - part one

October 1, 2023
Philippine De Salaberry
Philippine De Salaberry

As October unfolds, the celestial stage is set to inspire and guide your creative endeavors. In this month's artistic journey, we delve into the astrological influences that can help you harness your creative power and unveil your unique talents. Each zodiac sign has its own cosmic story to tell, offering insights into self-discovery, collaboration, and personal transformation. So, let's embark on this cosmic odyssey, exploring how the stars and planets can illuminate your path to artistic expression.

ARIES: The Bold Creator

Philippine De Salaberry - "Cloudine", 2022
Philippine De Salaberry - "Cloudine", 2022

Embrace change and shatter creative boundaries. Your art is a reflection of your courage and determination.

Aries, your boldness and passion define your artistic style. Mercury and Venus align to inspire collaborations and creative partnerships. Mars in Scorpio from the 12th highlights hidden stories within your art.

Ignite your creative courage and determination with the energy of Philippine De Salaberry's bold and expressive art this month.

TAURUS: The Earthy Artisan

Monika G. Dorniak - “Bygone Remnants - that are yet to remind us of their presence”, 2021
Monika G. Dorniak - “Bygone Remnants - that are yet to remind us of their presence”, 2021

Pay attention to your surroundings and routine. Reinvent your image and embrace change.

Taurus, your earthy sensibilities ground your artistic endeavors. Venus in your 6th house on the 9th inspires you to refine your work and self-care routine. The New Moon eclipse in Libra on the 15th ignites creativity and new beginnings.

Channel the authenticity and passion of Monika G. Dorniak's “Bygone Remnants - that are yet to remind us of their presence” to ground your creative journey this month.

GEMINI: The Multifaceted Creator

Helena Leeners - “Ey aber entspann dich”, 2022
Helena Leeners - “Ey aber entspann dich”, 2022

Focus on real potential and collaborations. Explore your creative depths and embrace your inner mystic.

Gemini, your multifaceted nature shines in your artistry. Venus in your 5th house on the 9th encourages self-expression. The New Moon eclipse in Libra on the 15th opens doors to creative possibilities.

Embrace your inner mystic and artistic potential, drawing inspiration from the visionary work “Ey aber entspann dich” by Helena Leeners

CANCER: The Nurturing Artisan

Sven Vollbrecht - "Lullaby", 2023
Sven Vollbrecht - "Lullaby", 2023

Explore your ancestral tapestry and create from the heart. Release attachments and connect with your soul family.

Cancer, your nurturing spirit infuses your art with emotion. Venus in your 4th house on the 9th inspires you to beautify your creative space. The New Moon eclipse in Libra on the 15th emphasizes family and ancestral connections.

Release attachments and connect with your soul family, drawing inspiration from Sven Vollbrecht's "Lullaby"

LEO: The Radiant Creator

 Verena Bachl - “​Wave Fragment”, 2019
Verena Bachl - “​Wave Fragment”, 2019

Embrace your authenticity and self-worth. Break free from cabin fever and make colossal creative changes.

Leo, your radiance and self-esteem shine through your art. Venus in your 3rd house on the 9th invites experimentation in self-care. The New Moon eclipse in Libra on the 15th sparks creativity and new ventures.

Shine with authenticity and self-worth, inspired by the radiant “​Wave Fragment” of Verena Bachl this month.

VIRGO: The Artistic Alchemist


The Mercury cazimi in Libra on October 20th invites you to delegate tasks and lighten your load. Embrace change and reinvent yourself, as the Full Moon eclipse in Taurus on the 29th pushes you to transform your image and creative approach.

Virgo, your attention to detail and precision make you a true artistic alchemist. With Venus entering your 2nd house of self-worth and finances on the 9th, it's time to assess the value you place on your creative work. Cleopatra herself would encourage you to shed false masks and embrace your authentic self.

Reflect on the emotional depth of Kedimari to infuse your art with healing and authenticity this month.