Your Art Horoscope, September 23 - part two

September 7, 2023
from “HEAVVEN. ADAPTASI CYCLE”, Mit Borrás - 2021
from “HEAVVEN. ADAPTASI CYCLE”, Mit Borrás - 2021

Step into 'Your Art Horoscope', an innovative series delving into the magical interplay between astrology and the captivating realm of art *-*

LIBRA - stay balanced

"...into the peripheral", Vera Kox - 2022. Photo credits: Markus Johansson
"...into the peripheral", Vera Kox - 2022. Photo credits: Markus Johansson

Libra, it's all coming together in September 2023. Embrace abundance and share your harvest with others. Commitment is indicated in romantic relationships, and clear communication will help maintain harmony. In your career, it's time to step into the spotlight and inspire others to embrace their power.

For you, Libra, I could only select a story told by Vera Kox. When you pause to contemplate this image, the solid ground beneath your feet is the first sensation, followed by a sigh of relief. This tale also imparts: before you can discover your balance, it's crucial to work on the foundations upon which you seek to build it.

SCORPIO - let's grow

“The first and last to go”, Giselle Rosenthal - 2021
“The first and last to go”, Giselle Rosenthal - 2021

Scorpio, every experience is an opportunity for growth in September 2023. Embrace triggers as chances to become a better version of yourself. Explore your deepest desires and emotions, and trust the process of transformation. Release stagnant emotions and focus on turning your pain into power. Transform triggers into energy.

For you, Scorpio, I've chosen Giselle Rosenthal's vision, to convey your need to deconstruct and free yourself from the preconceptions that seem to have molded you into a static form. I wish for you the courage to dance upon yourself, indulging in diverse life experiences that may transform you into someone different and better.

SAGITTARIUS - it's time for change

“Blossom in the Unknown”, Sebastian Kluger - 2023
“Blossom in the Unknown”, Sebastian Kluger - 2023

Sagittarius, it's time to upgrade in September 2023. Consider property investments but be cautious about details during this retrograde season. Maintain consistency in your efforts, even if results are not immediate. Address communication gaps in relationships and surrender the outcome to the universe. Adventure and exploration await!

To you, Sagittarius, I share a dream from Sebastian Kluger. He told me to encourage you to stir the calm waters of your certainties and venture towards uncharted realms. Reimagine your relationship with the things that surround you and rediscover the beauty of a naive gaze.

CAPRICORN - stop suppress change, unlock creativity

“But Beautiful”, Lavia Lin - 2023
“But Beautiful”, Lavia Lin - 2023

Capricorn, September 2023 teaches that every experience is perfect for growth. Embrace challenges and ask uncomfortable questions. Communicate openly in your relationships and let go of the need to suppress change. Unlock abundance and creativity, but remember to take time for self-reflection.

Dear Capricorn, submerge yourself in the enchanting vortex created by Lavia Lin. Dance within this harmonious chaos and let go! Rediscover the beauty of the things you don't yet know and gather valuable inspirations to narrate new stories in your life.

AQUARIUS - prioritise focus

Pages of “Relative Explanations”, Protey Temen - 2022
Pages of “Relative Explanations”, Protey Temen - 2022

Aquarius, prioritize mastery and focus in September 2023. Dive deeper into your chosen subject matter for growth and abundance. Observe yourself and your relationships without judgment. Remember to choose yourself and create space for alignment with your true self.

For you, Aquarius, Protey Temen and I have some important tasks at hand. Your mind is a fertile garden of ideas, but sometimes your energies scatter too widely; we invite you to find inner concentration, keeping track of your flows. Allow yourself the luxury of reconnecting with your ability to focus on what truly matters.

PISCES - manifest abundance

"Lax", Gawie Joubert - 2017
"Lax", Gawie Joubert - 2017

Pisces, trust the universal algorithm in September 2023. Every experience is a perfect lesson. Observe patterns and embrace the void within. Choose yourself and release the need for the familiar in relationships. Manifest abundance and be open to a soul-nourishing partnership. Dive into your imaginative depths and find solace in your intuitive connection with the cosmos.

As a Gawie Joubert's dream has inspired me, I wish for you, Pisces, an explosion of creative rebirth. This month, embrace the lush energy that surrounds you and connect with relationships that nourish your passions and your thirst for exploring and adopting new forms and colors.